
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Swoony Awards

I've been wanting to do an award for a long time. I think it'll be a fun way to recognize the awesome books we read each year and to help share those books with others. I also wanted to let these amazing authors know how much we appreciate their books and all the hard work that goes into it. I'm a sucker for romance and love reading books that have a sweet, swoony romance involved. Hence "Swoony Awards" for books that make you believe in love and happily every afters.

The Swoony Awards is brought to you by Happily Ever After Book Club and my good friends Katie from Katie's Clean Book Collection and Kathy Jo from KJ's Book Nook have helped develop the Swoonys and I couldn't have done it without them, this is our baby! I also want to give a BIG thanks to Tiana at The Blog Decorator for designing our logo, which I think turned out amazing!

So, if you've read an awesome book this year (or more) come officially nominate it for a Swoony, here. And be sure to vote for any of the other books already listed (no limit on votes). We’ll be accepting entries until the end of the year; winners will be announced January 2015. The only thing was ask is that nomination be for books published in 2014 and are clean (no sex (closed door), mild/no language and mild/no violence).

Have fun voting!

Sponsors: Bookworm Nation, Katie's Clean Book Collection and KJ's Book Nook

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