This week we received a lot of fun questions! It is always fun getting Shannon's answers and learning more about her. What a great lady! Keep those questions coming. We have one more Gabbing With Guymon to come!
I love how your secondary characters seem to get their chance as main characters in your other books. Can you give us any clues about who we can expect to see in the future?
I think we’ve all read books before where we fall in love with secondary characters and want to know more. So the way I write my books gives me a chance to tell their stories at some point and at the same time, give a more in depth look at their life and character along the way. I’m writing Pule Matafeo’s story right now, and my 3rd book in the Love and Weddings trilogy will be Tristan Jensen’s story. (Meredith’s brother) I was thinking of ending the Fircrest series with this one, but something huge just happened in Pule’s story, so there’s going to be at least one more trilogy after this one.
Do you paint? I’ve noticed a few of your characters are artists and wonder if you are able to portray they so well because you love to paint as well.
I don’t paint but that’s what I’ve always wanted to do. When I was a little kid if you asked me what talent I wanted more than anything, I would have said painting. I love art so much, I majored in Art History when I was in college. I dreamed of being a museum curator. Turns out nobody can get a job in that field.
Do your kids try and tell you how a book should go?
I have one daughter who tries to tell me what should happen and what characters should do what. Poor thing doesn’t realize I have no control over these people.
Do you have a master list of all the songs you've incorporated into your books? If so, can you please share?!
I don’t, but the next writing break I take, I will try and figure all of that out. Sorry!
Where do you come up with so many yummy cupcake ideas?
My doctor put me on an anti-inflammatory diet similar to the Paleo diet which means I don’t get any sugar. Any. The sweetest thing I eat these days is an apple. So I’m living out my food fantasies in my books. I love thinking up the yummiest things in the world and letting my characters eat them because I sure don’t get to.
If you could marry a werewolf or a Samoan rugby player which would you choose?
Can I first just say that I love this question! So funny. I wonder what it would be like to marry a Samoan werewolf - Can you even imagine? But if I had to choose … hmm. Samoan rugby player. Sorry. I’ve seen the Haka.
If you could enter one of your books for a day, which would you jump into?
My werewolves scare me. Not the werewolves themselves, but there’s always a hybrid somewhere around and those things give me nightmares. So I think I’ll play it safe and head to Fircrest so I can eat at the bakery and then head over to The Iron Skillet and maybe even Tai’s Diner. I would love to meet all my characters in person and get to hold their babies and catch up.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
Traveling the world. I want to see it all.
If you could relive any time in your life, what would it be and why? I actually wouldn’t. Strangely enough, I’m happier now than I’ve ever been in my life. I’m writing books I want to write and I’m seeing my children grow up into amazing people who I love and respect and life is just wonderful. (Hard, but wonderful) I wouldn’t even go back one day.
What habits do you wish you could get rid of?
I’m a creative introvert with a penchant for messiness. My desk is horrifying. Piles of papers. Piles everywhere. I wish had the good habit of being able to organize but I just don’t have that gene.
What song could be the soundtrack to your life right now?
I lived – by One Republic. I feel like I’m doing everything I can to live my dreams and experience life and I hope that my kids will do the same.
If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
A house by the ocean. I’m not into things really but if I could live somewhere peaceful, beautiful and rejuvenating I think that would be heaven.
If you could eat lunch with any famous person, who would it be and why?
J.K. Rowling. Would love to pick her brain as a writer. She’s fantastic.
What's your favorite movie?
Oh crud. There are so many! I’ll give you an overview: Pitch Perfect, Avatar (Blue people), LOTR series, The Hobbit series and Anything Avengers/Spiderman.
If your life was made into a movie, who would you want to play you?
Julia Roberts. She can roll her eyes almost as well as I can.
If you could be any character in any book, who would you be and why?
Elizabeth Bennett. I want that house and Darcy.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an artist. The gift of creating something beautiful seemed like magic to me.
I'm glad that the Firecrest series won't be wrapping up yet either. I love seeing the side characters pop back in.