
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tradition Tuesday

We are so excited for our first annual
Have Yourself a Very Swoony Christmas event,

Traditions are what really make the holidays memorable!
Each Tuesday we will be posting about some of our
favorite Christmas traditions.

KJ will be posting about one of her family's
favorite traditions for Week 2.


We used to have a lot of traditions growing up. But over the years, with my siblings getting married, having kids of their own and moving out of state, the majority of those traditions have fallen to the wayside.

But there is one tradition that I refuse to stop and that is Christmas breakfast! Whether it's just my dad and I or a few of my siblings and their families, I will ALWAYS have Christmas breakfast! Depending on who's here will determine the menu. Sometimes it's just eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and a big glass of milk (or in my case a Pepsi!). But other times it's eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, pancakes, toast, biscuits and gravy, orange juice, milk.. you name it and we probably have it! It's the BEST!

Over the last few years I have taken over the majority of the cooking and I love it! I've inherited my dad and grandpa's breakfast making genes! And if you ask me it's one of the greatest things I could have inherited from them! 😊


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kath, As an author, I think it's in our genes to withdraw from being around too many people. I don't know why, but its something I notice with writers. I say this to commend your Christmas tradition, I think it's something special even as simple as it may sound. I like traditions too but haven't had one that I can say I have stuck to like you. Although we here in Jamaica do celebrate Christmas like everyone else, we don't usually have Christmas breakfast, just the dinner. We eat a lot of Christmas fruit cake here and a traditional drink called sorrel, which I can't get enough of. I am new to your site trying to introduce myself as an christian author and getting to know some bloggers in the process. I hope to be more apart of this community, but for now I want to wish you and your team a great Christmas, since Thanksgiving as already past. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate hearing from you!