
Saturday, January 13, 2018

2018 Swoony Awards

What are the Swoony Awards?
The Swoony Awards are a reader’s choice award recognizing excellence in clean secular romance fiction. We wanted a way to show our appreciation to these awesome authors who write the kind of books that we love. It’s also a great way to find new books and a good go-to when looking for something fun to read.

What books are eligible for a Swoony Award?
-ONLY books PUBLISHED December 1, 2017 – November 30, 2018 are eligible. Please DOUBLE check publication dates before nominating books!

-Books must be published or have arc reviews before nomination. Since the award is based on readers having actually read and enjoyed the book(s) they are voting for, the book has to have been published or arcs read in order to receive votes.

-Intimacy: No sex, no/low closed door/fade-to-black, no/low innuendo, nothing crude or crass.

-Language: None/mild (No F words or other explicit language) nothing overly crude.

-Violence: Mild/low.

-Page Count: Novellas or Novels only, 100 pages or higher, no short stories this year.

-Age: Only Young Adult, New Adult and Adult, NO children’s or middle grade.

-Other: No Christian fiction, where religion is the main focus of the story. 

Where do you vote for the Swoony Awards? 
On Goodreads! If you don't have an account it is really easy to sign up for one! And it's an AMAZING place to keep track of which books you have read, which books you want to read and of course see all kinds of reviews on books! 

We are SO excited for this year's Swoony Awards! You can click here and go straight to our list! Head on over, check out the list and if there are any books on there that you have read and LOVED then make sure you VOTE! If you have read a book that is eligible but has not been added yet then make sure you VOTE to add it to the list for everyone to see! But make sure you check the entire list before voting. Again, please make sure to DOUBLE check the eligibility before voting! 

How to vote or nominate a book?
Voting is easy, once you're on the 2018 Swoony Award list, you'll see just below the title of the book a tab "Vote For This Book", simply click on that and you're all set. Remember- You can vote for up to 100 books!
If you've read a great book and its not on the list, its easy to add. Just click on the tab - Add Books To This List. It will bring you to this page...

You can add book directly from one of your Goodreads shelves, or you can click on search and add books by title or author. Once you've found the right book, just click Vote for This Book and it will get added to the list. Just make sure it meets the above criteria.

If you want to return to the main list, just click on the All Votes tab and you'll be returned to the main list.

One last thing...

Note to Authors: If you’ve written a book that matches the above criteria fill free to nominate it for a Swoony. Help bring awareness to your nomination. We are doing some promoting, but sometimes a newsletter, Facebook, Twitter or blog post directly from the author is the best way to let your fan base know your book has been nominated and help it get all the votes it can get.

Note to Voters: This is a great way to let authors know you appreciate all their hard work. You can vote for up to 100 books on the list. Yes, you read that right, you can vote for 100 books! If you're like me, you'll probably read a lot of great books this year, so no worries about having to vote for just one. Be sure and check back throughout the year and keep the votes coming. I know the authors appreciate it and we do too! We’ve also learned that the order you rank the books you vote on does affect the overall score of the book. So take a minute and make sure you have your books in the order you want them.

Invite your friends to vote! Voting ends December 31, 2018. So what are you waiting for?! Let's show all these AMAZING authors how much we love them AND their books! Ready?! GO VOTE!

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