
Friday, June 12, 2009

Christy by Catherine Marshall

When Christy Huddleston leaves a life of privilege and ease to teach in the impoverished Smokey Mountains, her faith is severely tested by her pupils, the love of two men, and the curious customs of the mountain people in her community. Yet she grows to love these people and the simple, fulfilling lifestyle to be found in the heart of God's country. First released in 1967, Christy is based on the life of author Catherine Marshall's mother and was the inspiration for the CBS television series of the same name.

This book is unlike most books that I chose to read. While I was reading Christy it reminded me of all the times that my Grandmother has told me stories about her life and how it is interesting simply because I love her and it is amazing that life was like that not so long ago. While the book does have some very slow parts, particularly in the middle, I found that if I just slowed down and enjoyed the journey and the descriptions that I really enjoyed reading this book. Through the course of the story Christy comes to recognize God's hand in his children's life and begins to realize that he cares for each of us whether we are wealthy and educated or smelly and poor. Life in the mountains of North Carolina at the turn of the 20th century was to this city girl very shocking and in some cases truly turned my stomach. The book is rich with colorful characters and they all become really inspirational in their own way. The love story is neither obvious or compelling and was really the one disappointment for me. The book also ends rather abruptly and left me looking for the last chapter or an epilogue or something to tie it all together. All in all though it was an uplifting read and I feel better for having read it.

*reviewed by Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Ah, CHRISTY. This is a sentimental favorite of mine. My mother has always loved it and when I finally got around to reading it, I did too.


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