
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Booking Through Thursday

Booking through Thursday is a weekly event, hosted at Booking Through Thursday, it asks fun book related questions. Its a fun way to get you thinking about your books and share you're thoughts with other book bloggers. This week's question is:

What’s the lightest, most “fluff” kind of book you’ve read recently?

Okay, I hate to call her work "fluff", but I'd have to say the books I read by Janette Rallison. They are light, romantic comedies. I'm really a huge fan now and wish she had more books already published for me to read. I'm already contemplating re-reading a few of them. One of the lighter ones that came to mind is How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend. Such a fun story and I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for a nice fun read.

By Janette Rallison

Sixteen-year-old Giovanna Petrizzo finds it hard enough to fit in. Three years since her family moved to Texas, she's still the newcomer compared to everyone around her. It doesn't help matters when her twin brother, Dante, takes on the mayor's son by running for class president. The least she could expect, though, would be for her boyfriend, Jesse, to support their cause. But Jesse's apparent defection triggers Giovanna's rash emotional side, and before she knows it, she's turned Jesse from the boy of her dreams to the exboyfriend she dreams of winning back.

To read my review click here.


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