
Monday, August 31, 2009

Library Loot Mondays

Library Loot is a weekly event, hosted at A Striped Arm Chair, that showcases the books you currently have checked out from the library. I have WAY too many books checked out so I narrowed mine down to four. I'm currently on vacation and these are a just a few of the (9-10) books I brought with me.

Something To Blog About by Shana Norris
The Grand Tour by Patricia Wrede & Caroline Stevermer

Magic Study by Maria Snyder
Wake by Lisa McMann


  1. The books that I have checked out just for me are: Evernight and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Brisingr. Has anyone read Brisingr? Is it worth my time....the book is huge!

    Also on my card is a book for Tim called Where Angels Fall by Chris Stewart.

    I would read a lot more of my own books if I weren't reading the following to my kids: Spiders, Mummies in the Morning, M is for Mischief, Look and Find the Batman, The Knights of Fix-a-Lot, Dizzy and Muck Work it Out, Crocs, Bob's Snowy Day, and Batman Beyond

  2. The Grand Tour is so much fun! :) I'm saving the last one for a rainy day.

  3. I'm struggling with getting to the library lately - so much is happening. I just returned to the library - Moonspinners by Mary Stewart. I tried to read that book when I was young because I love the Disney movie with the same title that starred Haley Mills. When the book wasn't like the movie I stopped reading. Since I grew up and realized books are usually better than the movie I decided to read it. It was good - still like the movie more. Also checked in Bone Warriors written by fifteen year old Bron Bahlman. Currently reading Enders Game by Orson Scott Card.

  4. I just checked out Poison Study and City of Bones. I'm excited to read them both!:)

  5. Jess-I'm curious to hear what you think of Evernight.

    Eva-I just started The Grand Tour, I'm excited!

    Mary-I haven't head of Moonspinners, I'll have to add it to my TBR pile. I liked Ender's Game, it was pretty unique.

    Chantele-You'll have to let me know what you think of City of Bones! I hear they are going to be making a movie??

  6. I really need to hurry up and read the last book in that trilogy by Maria Snyder. I have had it on my shelves for months now!

  7. Kath,

    I had to return evernight because I knew I wouldn't get to it before it was due. Better to return it before it gets lost in the chaos of my house!


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