
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have decided to start participating in all the fun bookish activities that are hosted by some of our favorite book review sites. I’ve chosen the top five that I think will be the most fun and also ones that I enjoy reading about myself. I’m hoping Jessica will want to participate in some of these as well (she’s recently started participating in the Retro Friday Reviews, and I’m loving it). Anyway, below are the meme’s we’ll be following.

Monday: Library Loot hosted by A Striped Arm Chair which gives book bloggers an opportunity to share the books they currently have checked out at the library with other bloggers. I go to the library probably more than anywhere else. I'm embarrassed to say that I have about 39 books checked out right now, so I'll probably only highlight the top ten each week.

Tuesday: Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading which has you grab your current read, open to a random page and chose a sentence to share. I always get a kick out of this one, and there have been a few times where I add a book to my TBR pile because of one amazing sentence. I'm looking forward to participating in this one.

Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine. With this meme you select a book that hasn’t been published yet that you’re dying to get your hands on. I'm constantly on the lookout for new books and recently started a "coming soon" section on my GoodReads account, so this will be a fun way to show what I'm waiting for and also find recommendations for others who participate.

Thursday: Booking thru Thursday is hosted by Booking Thru Thursday. This is a fun activity where they provide a question about books and you have to answer it on your blog. This should be a lot of fun, I'm excited to see what questions they come up with and hope I can find the answers!

Friday: Retro Friday Reviews is hosted by Angieville. This focuses on old or out of print books that don’t get the attention they deserve. We’ve been participating in this one since the beginning and love it. (Angie, do you have an official “icon” for this?)


  1. I started "Booking Through Thursday" about a month ago, and think it's so fun! I may have to do Library Loot as well! Since the library is like my second home! LOL!:)

  2. Oh fun, I'm glad you are doing this. I only do Teaser Tuesday on that list.

  3. Kath and Jess, thanks for the shout out again! I don't have an official Retro Fridays logo yet, but I've got one in the works!


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