
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Goddess Boot Camp by Tera Lynn Childs

Genre: Greek Mythology (YA Fiction)

Author Website:

One Word Review: Fun

First Line: “I am a goddess.

Kathy’s Review: I think I enjoyed the first book a little more than this one. Having said that, this was still a fun, entertaining read. If you haven’t read the first book this review may give away spoilers. The story picks up a few months after the first book. Phoebe is still getting use to the idea of being a “goddess” and learning how to control her powers. She isn’t very successful and in order to master her new talents her step-dad has enrolled her in “Goddess Boot Camp.” Not only is she having to master her powers, she also is preparing for the Pythian Games (kind of the Olympics for the Gods) with her boyfriend Griffin.

I think the reason why I enjoyed the first book so much was because of the tension/chemistry with Griffin and Phoebe. I was wondering how Child’s was going to pull that off with this installment. Overall, I think she did a good job. There were still some misunderstandings, and they still had good chemistry. Griffin did lose a little bit of his edge and was almost too “perfect”. I do have a couple problems with that storyline, I’ll add those in the comment section. Phoebe was still a lovable character and it was fun watching her grow throughout the book. I’ve read that Child’s has plans for a third book and I’m hoping her publishers will let her continue Phoebe’s story.

Reading Order:
Book One: Oh.My.Gods.
Book Two: Goddess Boot Camp


  1. Spoiler Alert…...Vent Session

    Okay, so in the story Griffin spends a lot of time “helping” his ex-girlfriend Adara out. She is going through a tough time and turns to Griffin for help. He is a good friend and decides to lie to Phoebe so he can help Adara. Even though nothing intimate happens with Adara and Griffin I still have a big problem with their relationship. Although they are “friends” its really time for Adara to find someone else to help her out and its time for Griffin to cut the strings. He is totally inconsiderate of Phoebe’s feelings and makes things worse by lying to her about his whereabouts. If you’re going to be in a successful relationship you have to have complete loyalty and I don’t think Griffin has done that. I could go on and on, but I won’t. I think Phoebe let Griffin off the hook a little too easily, and I don’t really think he learned his lesson. He needs to put Phoebe first and cut the relationship with Adara.

  2. Looks like I'll have to give the first one a try!

  3. I haven't heard of this series before. I might have to try it.

  4. I think Griffin proved he's a loyal bf. I'm still concerned about Troy. I think he's still harboring some feelings. I still feel like it's unresolved. Liked it anyway.


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