
Monday, September 21, 2009

Libary Loot Mondays

Library Loot is a weekly meme that is hosted by A Striped Arm Chair. It gives book bloggers an opportunity to share what fun books we have checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate visit A Striped Arm Chair and add your post link to their site. It’s a fun way to check out what other bloggers are reading. Below are just a few of the books I have checked out this Monday.

I simply can't wait to start The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I'm reading The Brothers right now and I'm not really in love with it but, due to my little problem, I have to finish it before I begin The Forest in earnest. Although I have snuck in a few pages and it has already grabbed me in the first few pages.


  1. can't wait to hear your review of the forest of hands and teeth. I read the first few pages and it sounds really good, but I don't like disturbing books - so I was worried about reading it.

  2. The Forest of Hands and Teeth was really good, creepy but good.

  3. Jess, You'll have to let me know about the Forest one. I've heard a lot about it but have been nervous to pick it up. I'm curious to hear what you think of it. Kath

  4. I have The Forest of Hands and Teeth sitting on my nightstand! I'm itching to read it but I have to finish the one I'm reading first!:)

  5. I got The Forest of Hands and Teeth this week as well! :)


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