
Friday, September 18, 2009

Retro Friday Reviews

Retro Friday Review is a weekly meme hosted by Angieville. This focuses on classics, out of print books or just old favorites that don’t get the attention they deserve. This Friday’s review is:

The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again
By Bilbo Baggins (a.k.a. J.R.R. Tolkien)
Published: 1937

Bilbo Baggins was a hobbit who wanted to be left alone in quiet comfort. But the wizard Gandolf came along with a band of homeless dwarves. Soon Bilbo was drawn into their quest, facing evil orcs, savage wolves, giant spiders, and worse, unknown dangers. Finally, it was Bilbo—alone and unaided—who had to confront the great dragon Smaug, the terror of an entire countryside. (Book cover)


I still remember my brother Rob and I going into the book store to pick up The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy. We were both in college at the time and thought it would be fun to read this series together. I went for the four book set, while my brother went for the combined set. I enjoyed reading them individually and actually finished all four books. My brother on the other hand only got through The Hobbit. We both loved it.

I think I actually like The Hobbit more than the trilogy. It’s a bit more condensed and I just love all the characters, especially Bilbo. It’s a fun adventure story, with all the fantasy elements you could want. I am so excited that they are making the movie, rumors are it will be released end of 2011 (that’s a long time to wait, but it’ll be worth it!).

Reading Order:
Book One: The Hobbit
Book Two: Fellowship of the Ring
Book Three: Two Towers
Book Four: Return of the King


  1. I loved the Hobbit, but Return of the King is my favorite in the series.

  2. I preferred The Hobbit, too. Hey, I actually finished The Hobbit and enjoyed it! I can't say the same for the trilogy. I got bogged down in the first book and never made it very far.

  3. It has been so long since I've read them, I think I should re-read all four!

  4. I can't believe that I have never read any of these books! And I call my self a book-lover...ha! One of these days I'm going to get on it.


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