
Monday, September 21, 2009

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. It is open to anyone and is a fun way to get a taste of different books. The rules are simple and everyone is welcome to participate.

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Be careful NOT to include spoilers (you don’t want to ruin the book for others.)
5. Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to the TBR lists if they like your teaser.
6. After completing your post, return to Should Be Reading and add a link in their “comment” section.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
By Carrie Ryan
Page 40

I have seen such horror and such grotesqueness that it never occurred to me that I would feel light-headed and weak-kneed when I saw Travis's injury. One couldn't grow up surrounded by the Forest and not see the most dreadful sights--the Unconsecrated with their hollow skin ripped and gaping from the wounds that caused the infection, their fingers cracked and broken from clawing at the fences, limbs attached by nothing more that gristle."

Reading this teaser makes me think that I will read this book during the daylight hours! My last zombie novel didn't work out well, so I'm really hoping this one pulls through for me.


  1. Yeah, I made the mistake of reading it before bed and dreamed of zombies. I don't recommend this. But it's a great book anyway.

  2. Ooh - creepy! Here is my teaser - "In winter's chill, our escorts came in sledges, each with a particular sound, so we heard them before their lights appeared in the misty distance." pg. 110
    This is from the book "Wildwood Dancing" by Juliet Marillier. I chose to read it because I think it is set in the Slavic culture - same as the setting for the novel I'm writing.

  3. Ew! That's disgusting ... I love it! :-D

  4. I loved Wildwood Dancing!!! It is so fun and whimsical...great love story as well.

  5. Eek. I'd have a hard time reading that because my hands would be plastered over my eyes. I'm such a wimp.
    Here's my Teaser Tuesday.

  6. Wow, that's quite a teaser! I've stayed away from all the Zombie books, and this makes me think maybe I made the right decision! Good luck with this one.

  7. This is definitely on my TBR list. I've read some great reviews. Good teaser!

    My teaser is here.


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