
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. After completing your post return to Breaking the Spine and add a comment with a link to their post. This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison
Release Date: March 2, 2010

Synopsis: Beth has always been “the beast”--That’s what everyone at school calls her because of her awkward height, facial scars, and thick glasses. Who could love a beast? Beth’s only friend is geeky, golden-haired Scott. That is until she’s selected to be her choir’s soprano soloist and receives the makeover of a lifetime. Suddenly, everyone wants a piece of Beth. Things only get better when her choir travels to Switzerland and Beth meets the mysterious Derek. They have an incredible whirlwind romance that makes Beth realize, for the first time, she too can find love. She’s no longer The Beast. In Derek’s eyes, she’s a beauty. But then Scott makes a heartbreaking confession to Beth that leaves her completely torn. Should she stand by sweet, steady Scott or follow the dangerous passionate feelings she has for Derek? And there’s an even bigger problem: Derek’s got a secret . . . one that could shatter everything.

Why I’m Waiting: I loved Morrison’s debut novel, Taken By Storm and thought this one sounded very promising. Not only does the plot sound exciting but I absolutely loved the cover, so so pretty! I’ll normally try and pick books that are being released a little sooner, but I have been waiting awhile for this one and couldn’t pass up the chance to get the word out.


  1. Great choice! I just recently added this to my TBR list. It sounds like it's going to be really good. And I totally agree about the cover =)

  2. This one does seem like a good one. Maybe a twist on beauty and the beast? The cover is really pretty

  3. I agree it looks intriguing! I am reading Pirates! right now for my Pirate Week! It's a really fun read.


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