
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Booking Through Thursday. It asks fun book related questions each week. It’s a fun way to get you thinking about your books and share you're thoughts with other book bloggers. Once you’ve completed your post return to Booking Through Thursday and leave a comment and link. This week's question is:

When’s the last time you weeded out your library? Do you regularly keep it pared down to your reading essentials? Or does it blossom into something out of control the minute you turn your back, like a garden after a Spring rain?

This is a tough one. I try and go through my library each time we move (which is every 1-3 years). Since we move so often I have to keep my collection under control and mainly just keep my favorites. For the most part I get all my books from the library, there are of course a few must-buys. Since I do have to keep it under control my library looks a little small at the moment. Below is a picture of my bookcase, most of the books there are keepers but there are a few I will probably give away before the next move. The other picture is of books I own but haven’t read yet.


  1. I moved a lot in the last four years and had to get rid of half my collection in that time too. My books are the one thing that take up way too many boxes.

  2. I'm with you on the library books. Wow, that is some pile of unreads though!

  3. I get rid of the ones that I absolutely don’t like, the ones that I rate as “Toss” in reviews. I tend to keep books that are of literary artistry. I end up keeping a lot of them!

  4. My sister just moved into a house from a two bedroom apartment. She intends to devote one entire room for her library. She will have floor to ceiling bookcases and still have to rotate the books! If I didn't have kids I would use the play room in the same way but it is so hard to find room for my books. I love the library!!

  5. p.s. Gone with the Wind has been in my TBR pile for years. Why can I never seem to devote myself to it?

  6. Seriously, we have almost all of the same books! I'm not even joking! My bookshelf is overflowing, so my cute hubby just bought me a new one! We have yet to put it up, but it's sitting here!:) That's so funny! My husband was looking at your bookshelf pictures and asked "is that your bookshelf?" :)

  7. Jess-Maybe we should have a Gone With the Wind challenge, what do you think? Maybe if we challenge ourselves to read it, it will finally get done.

    Chantele-LOL, I laughed when I read your comment. I always think the same thing when I see a book review of yours or when I'm looking at your old reviews. What can I say...great minds think alike! =)

  8. I so love to see pictures of other people's bookshelves! I'm so with you on getting most of my stuff from the library currently - I think if I started buying books, I might just get a little out of control...

  9. We've been in the same house for about 7 years now so I haven't had to weed out any books for a while and even when I do I have a hard time with it. I HATE getting rid of books. In the last couple of years I have also discovered the gold mine of books called the DI. One day soon I hope to get all my books organized and post the pictures.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate hearing from you!