
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Deep Blue Eyes by Janette Rallison

Genre: YA Fiction

Author Website:

One Word Review: Good

First Line: “I got up at 4:30 in the morning to see Anjie off.”

Synopsis: “When a rebellious teenage girl and her good-looking brother move into the neighborhood, Holly discovers that turning sixteen brings as many problems as it does privileges.” -GoodReads

Kathy’s Review: I could be wrong, but I think this was Rallison’s first published book. The main character Holly is an active LDS girl who is very excited to turn sixteen so she can start dating, driving and is just another step closer to attending college at BYU. When a new girl moves into her neighborhood she is excited to make a new friend. Although they are both LDS, Emma is not active and leads a very different lifestyle than Holly. It was really a nice story about friendship, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding. I enjoyed Holly’s character and that she was a good friend to Emma when everyone else wanted to forget her. It’s a good example of being someone’s friend and still holding to your own values. The romance in the story was nice, although pretty subtle. Overall a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon read. If you enjoy Rallison’s other novels then you will probably enjoy this as well.

Cover Comments: I'm not a fan of the cover or the title. Neither reflect the story, in my opinion. So, don't let the cover turn you off, it really is a good book.


  1. hmmm, I haven't read this one - I'll have to check it out.

  2. I've only read one of Rallison's books but I've been meaning to read more. I had guessed that she was LDS but I wasn't sure. Your review confirmed it for me.


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