
Monday, October 5, 2009

Library Loot Monday

Library Loot is a weekly meme that is hosted by A Striped Arm Chair. It gives book bloggers an opportunity to share what fun books we have checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate visit A Striped Arm Chair and add your post link to their site. It’s a fun way to check out what other bloggers are reading. Below are just a few of the books I have checked out this Monday.

This week I have quite the eclectic mix of books I'm reading. Two are books that I have read before and wanted to read again. Two are books that the cover caught my attention on the library display and so they came home with me.


  1. blind faith hotel looks interesting. I've read the Gable Faces East I think. It's been a long time since I've read Anita Stansfield. Never read Grapes of Wrath, but I saw the movie. Steinbeck is so depressing.

  2. Don't read Tender Morsels!!! I repeat don't read it! I started it, couldn't finish it. It starts out in incest. It's horrible. Don't read it!!

  3. Jess, I've been meaning to email you. I looked up Tender Morsels (because I'd never heard of it), you should probably read some of the reviews before you start. Like Andrea said it has a lot of incest and other child abuse in the book...

  4. Oh my word!! You all saved me from a horrible read. That is the last time I chose a book just by the cover.


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