
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Moonlight by Rachel Hawthorne

Genre: YA Fiction

Author Website:

One Word Review: Exciting

First Line: “Moonlight washed over us, washed over Lucas and me.”

Synopsis: “The moonlight calls to them. The full moon determines their destiny. The dark of the moon seals their fate. A secret society of werewolves. The Dark Guardians are their protectors. Betrayal will put their very existence in danger.” -GoodReads

Kathy’s Review: This book was recommended to me by BugHunter, and I’m so grateful. This was exactly the kind of book I was in the mood for and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Kayla is a wonderful character. Her parents were tragically killed in front of her when she was only five. She is now seventeen and trying to face her demons by returning to the woods where her parents were killed. She gets a job at the national forest and helps lead people on hikes throughout the park. She has made friends with the other “Sherpa’s” and has a major crush on their boss Lucas. Lucas was a fun character, he was dark and mysterious and yet you know you can trust him. I thought he and Kayla had great chemistry together. The book is fast paced with a lot going on. There were some twists and although some things were resolved a little too quickly I really enjoyed everything. I loved the setting and Hawthorne’s take on werewolves. I’m really becoming a sucker for a good werewolf story!! Thanks again to BugHunter for recommending this one!

This was a good clean read (there was a bit of underage drinking), without any bad language (that I can remember).

Reading Order:
Book One: Moonlight
Book Two: Full Moon
Book Three: Dark of the Moon
Book Four: Shadow of the Moon


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! This looks good! Hopefully one of my libraries has it!

  2. That sounds really good. I'll have to check it out.


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