
Friday, October 9, 2009

Retro Friday Review

Retro Friday Review is a weekly meme hosted by Angieville. This focuses on classics, out of print books or just old favorites that don’t get the attention they deserve. This Friday’s review is:

Jane Eyre
by Charolette Bronte

First published: England 1847

Synopsis: Orphaned into the household of her Aunt Reed at Gateshead and subject to the cruel regime at Lowood charity school, Jane Eyre nonetheless emerges unbroken in spirit and integrity. She takes up the post of governess at Thornfield Hall, falls in love with Mr. Rochester, and discovers the impediment to their lawful marriage in a story that transcends melodrama to portray a woman's passionate search for a richer life than that traditionally allowed women in Victorian society.

Jess's Review: The one thing I took away from all the wonderful comments yesterday is that we can all agree that Jane Eyre is a phenomenal book. I really just love Jane's character. She's had a hard life but it hasn't made her bitter. She is kind...even to those who don't deserve it and it makes her more dignified. She makes others around her more likeable. She knows and has confidence in herself. She is guided by her principles and is willing to see them through. She deserves to be happy and in the end she is! Jane Eyre has everything. A strong female character, a passionate love story, mystery, and a moral. What else could a reader ask for? Well, those are the reasons I love Jane Eyre....what about you?


  1. Ahh... one of my very favourite classics. I wish I had read it sooner (it was assigned reading in my university English class).

    I liked how accessible the writing was. It was easy to identify with Jane. Perhaps that was because the book used the first-person point of view. Whatever it was, it was easy to get inside Jane's head... and therefore care about what happened to her.

  2. I agree with your summation. I love Jane Eyre. I have only found two movies that I've liked though. An A&E version done in 1997 with Ciaran Hinds as Mr. Rochester and Samantha Morton as Jane. Samantha was the best Jane Eyre I've seen. I also liked a BBC miniseries made in 1993 with Timothy Dalton as Mr. Rochester.

  3. It just doesn't get better than Jane Eyre, in my book.

  4. Did I put 1993 for the movie with Timothy Dalton? I meant 1983. I know this is a book blog, but I'm always searching for great movies of the books I love. It gives me the full sensory experience.

  5. I'm glad you picked this one! I've had it on my list for a RFR post for awhile now.

    I just love Jane! Mostly for all the reasons you already listed. I loved that she was so positive, smart, self-assured and didn't let people or her situation get her down. I loved following her life and all the different obstacles she had to face. I'm still waiting for a kick-butt movie version!

  6. It's been a long time since I read Jane Eyre. I should do a re-read now that I'm an adult and see what I get out of it.

  7. Masterpiece Theater made it into the best movie I've seen in 2008. You should check it out.

    I love the passion, betrayal, hard choices, and deciding to love anyway.

  8. I read and enjoyed Jane Eyre as a teenager but I loved it even more when I read it for book club last year. Jane is amazing.

    The Masterpiece Theatre version is so good. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it NOW! :)


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