
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. After completing your post return to Breaking the Spine and add a comment with a link to their post. This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Gone (Dream Catcher #3) by Lisa McMann
Release Date: February 9, 2010

Synopsis: Janie thought she knew what her future held. And she thought she'd made her peace with it. But she can't handle dragging Cabel down with her. She knows he will stay with her, despite what she sees in his dreams. He's amazing. And she's a train wreck. Janie sees only one way to give him the life he deserves--she has to disappear. And it's going to kill them both. Then a stranger enters her life--and everything unravels. The future Janie once faced now has an ominous twist, and her choices are more dire than she'd ever thought possible. She alone must decide between the lesser of two evils. And time is running out...

Why I’m Waiting: I just discovered this series while roaming around good reads. I have not actually begun this series, although I have the first two in the series on hold from the library. You can usually tell how good a book is by the hold list and they both are in the 100's...I'll take that as a good sign. I did find the following comment from a fan, Laura Koenig, on Good Reads and I think it says it all....and perhaps then some. It is a long comment but very telling...

Dear Ms. McMann,

Please stop writing books. This is a very serious request. To this date, you have written and published two novels, Wake and Fade. Because of your books, I have on two occasions been compelled to read deep into the night, and in this manner I have lost two good nights of sleep. I can only conclude that any further books written by you will lead to long nights with the bedside lamp switched on, frantically reading. I will not have it! I must firmly request that you stop at once. If you insist on continuing with your flagrant book-publishing, I have a few suggestions that may alleviate the problem. Please take the following requests into account in any and all future books.

1. If there is one thing on which I really must insist, it is a general loosening-up of your writing style. This tight, exciting prose will be the death of me! If every sentence did not compel me to read the next, perhaps I would be able to put your books down long enough to get a few good hours of sleep. Perhaps you could insert some clunky dialogue?

2. Your characters must - MUST - be less compelling. In fact, it would be best if Janie and Cabel could be excised completely, and less interesting characters could be inserted in their place. If I am forced back inside of Janie's head, where I can see the fascination, terror and exhaustion that are caused by her ability to see other people's dreams, I will most certainly not be able to put your book down. And Cabel, with his terrible past and his willpower and determination to do good, both in his relationship with Janie and in his work, is much too sympathetic a character.

3. In a related note, the tumultuous romance between Cabel and Janie is much too intense. If you persist in writing about these characters, their relationship must be taken back a notch. As it currently stands, their emotions are too strong! Their sense of discovery of themselves and each other is too genuine! Their frustrations with one another are too palpable! Their sex is too sexy!

4. Slower pacing is a necessity in any future novels. Constantly throwing your readers from horrific nightmare to sweet and sexy romance to exciting mystery causes agitation and suspense, forcing the reader to keep turning pages until the very end of the book. Thank you for your time. I look forward to not reading your books in the future.

Sleepily yours,


The heavens know I could use a good page turner so I'll be excitedly waiting for the release of this 3rd book as well as the first two.


  1. Kath has informed me that this book has bad language...a lot of "f" words. Which in my opinion is just simply unnecessary and some lesbian sex scenes. Just an FYI. I'm ready to throw in the towel...I seem incapable of finding a worthwhile book lately. :(

  2. AMEN!!

    I love this series so dang much that I won't be able to help picking up the next one and reading it all in one sitting either.


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