
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What the Doctor Ordered by Sierra St. James (aka Janette Rallison)

Genre: Fiction

Author Website:

One Word Review: Entertaining

First Line: “The topic of conversation at the Baxters’ dinner table was insanity.”

Synopsis: “They've never been out on a date. They can barely speak a civil word to each other when they find themselves in the same room. But Aunt Bertie, who is not crazy, just -eccentric- knows that John and Ellie belong together, and she's doing all she can to further their cause. When Ellie comes to Colton Idaho, to spend the summer with Aunt Bertie and prove to her parents that her aunt doesn't belong in an assisted-care facility, the confusion begins. Bertie's determination to marry Ellie off to Dr. John Flynn leads to a hilarious string of miscommunications in this delightful romantic comedy.” -GoodReads

Kathy’s Review: I believe that Janette Rallison is the queen of writing romantic comedies. I just love all her books and I was so excited when I found out last week that she had originally written four books under the pen-name Sierra St. James. Thank goodness for Amazon Marketplace where I am able to order used editions of these books. I received What the Doctor Ordered yesterday and only stopped reading when I had to attend class, and then quickly started when I got home and stayed up past my bedtime to finish it.

This book was a little unique from the other Rallison books that I have read. Instead of being teenagers the main characters were actually adults. This was a pleasant change and I felt like I was really able to relate to Ellie. I really enjoyed Ellie’s character; she is witty, kind and just has a great personality. I liked John as well. This was another unique aspect of the book; we were able to hear things from both Ellie and John’s perspective. This was a great way to get to know John and his motives. I thought they had good chemistry together and this was definitely a fun read. I also loved Bertie; she is so creative and I thought she really added a lot to the story.

So, I obviously really enjoyed this book, however there were two things that in the “real world” I wouldn’t like. First, Ellie is 21 and John is 33. The 12 year age difference is a little too long for me (I know age doesn’t matter, but it’s still quite the gap). And second, the whole story took place in about a two week time frame, if you’re dating and getting engaged in two weeks you’re moving way too fast. People should date for at least a year, IMHO. Still a great book and I totally would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good romantic comedy.

Sierra St. James Books:
Trial of the Heart
Time Riders
What the Doctor Ordered

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