
Monday, December 7, 2009

Library Loot

Library Loot is a weekly meme that is hosted by A Striped Arm Chair. It gives book bloggers an opportunity to share what fun books we have checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate visit A Striped Arm Chair and add your post link to their site. It’s a fun way to check out what other bloggers are reading. Below are just a few of the books I have checked out this Monday.


  1. I would watch out for that book "Twisted" I got about 50 pages in and had to put it down. The narrator is a Male and so tells you exactly what males think of girls and the reactions they give to guys. Did not like it! It could of gotten better though??

  2. Deb-yeah, I read some reviews about it and decided to skip it. I read the first couple pages and didn't really think it was written that well anyway. Thanks for the heads-up!


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