
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Twilight, What Have You Done To My Wife?"

I read Twilight BEFORE it became the phenomenon that it is today. I love the trilogy (I don't really count the last book) and love the movies. I don't consider myself one of the obsessive fans, but I definitely enjoyed this video. Enjoy!


  1. That's pretty funny. Also a little disturbing. :) I have a good friend who told me that while she was reading Twilight she turned to her husband and said, "Why couldn't you be a vampire?" This is a sensible 30-ish woman. Crazy!

  2. It's funny because I actually had an ARC of Twilight that I picked up at ALA one year and NEVER READ IT! And then it became this big thing and I thought that I could have been ahead of the curve if I had just read the stupid ARC. Ah well.

  3. Awesome video! thanks for sharing - and for putting my literary love button up!

  4. That was HILARIOUS! Thanks for giving me a much needed chuckle!


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