
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boys, Girls & Other Hazardous Material by Rosalind Wiseman

Genre: Teen Lit

Publication Date: January 2010

One Word Review: Good

Author Website:

First Line: “Here’s the deal.”

Synopsis: Charlie Healey thinks Harmony Falls is the beginning of a whole new life. Middle school was brutal. But high school is Charlie’s big chance to start over and stay out of drama, except that on her first day she runs into Will, her ex–best friend, who had moved away. Now a varsity athlete and hotter than Charlie remembered, Will hangs with the crowd running the school. But Charlie doesn’t understand their power until an innocent delivery guy falls victim to a near-deadly hazing prank. Torn between doing what’s right and her secret feelings for Will, Charlie must decide whether to turn in her very best friend or live with the guilt of knowing what he did.

Kathy’s Review: To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled when I found out the main characters were fourteen, it’s a little younger than I usually like to read. I guess I have a hard time buying the 14-year-old romance angle, but for the purposes of this story I could see why she made the main characters freshman. I liked the book, it was well written and I enjoyed Charlie, Sydney and Nidhi’s characters. I also enjoyed Charlie and Will’s relationship (if you can call it that). It had a good message about being yourself and doing the right thing even when it isn’t always popular. Although, I sometimes felt like I was being preached to, instead of just learning through the characters experiences, if that makes sense? Oh, I also find it hard to believe a 9th grader making it on a varsity team, but then again when I went to school 9th graders were in middle school, so maybe things are a little different when 9th grade is mixed with high school? Anyway, it was a good book, a little slow in parts, but still enjoyable.

Bookworm Rating: 3


  1. It sounds cute, but I'm not big on romance with 14 year olds. Although the drama factor is high enough to carry a book.

  2. I'm pretty sure that this one isn't for me!


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