
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exes and Ohs by Beth Kendrick

Genre: Chick-Lit

Publication Date: March 2005

One Word Review: Fluffy-Fun

Author Website:

Synopsis: Child psychologist Gwen Traynor has learned the hard way that "perfect" men aren't always what they seem. After being dumped the night before her wedding, she's understandably wary of diving back into the dating pool. But when she meets Alex Coughlin, she's convinced her luck is changing. Just as things are heating up with Alex, Gwen meets her newest patient -- a precocious preschooler whose chaotic soap opera-actress of a mother, Harmony, sounds an awful lot like one of Alex's crazy ex-girlfriends. Mostly because she is one of Alex's crazy ex-girlfriends.

Kathy’s Review: This was a fun read; it was a nice distraction at the end of a long day. I enjoyed the story, even though I wouldn’t agree with all the choices our characters made, it was still entertaining. Gwen was a good heroine, I liked her personality and that she stood up for herself. I also liked Alex and how deep down he was more of a traditional guy who knew the importance of marriage and family. He kind of makes a few mistakes along the way, but he does have good intentions. I thought Alex and Gwen had good chemistry and it was fun watching their story unfold. Her best friend Cesca drove me a little crazy, but she was a good friend to Gwen. I was a surprised with where Cesca’s story ended up, but glad things turned out the way they did. Overall, this is a fun fluff book that was well written and I will definitely be checking out what else Kendrick has to offer.

It does contain a bit of swearing scattered here and there (including a few "f" words), as well as some mild sexual content.

Bookworm Rating: 3.5

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