
Monday, March 29, 2010

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Genre: YA Fiction/Fantasy

Publication Date: October 2009

One Word Review: Okay

Author Website:

First Line: “I walked into biology and my jaw fell open.”

GoodReads Synopsis: For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her...until Patch comes along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment, but after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is far more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel. For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.

Kathy’s Review (Spoiler Warning): Hmm, so I admit I was a little nervous to start this one. I had a lot of friends who totally loved it, and a lot who totally hated it. I fell somewhere in the middle. I thought the story idea was just okay, reminded me of a few other books (which won’t be named). The writing was okay, but kind of moved along slowly. I didn’t really feel like things picked up until about 300 pages in, but it could be because of the reviews I read that I was really expecting a lot more action (no innuendo intended…well, maybe a little) than what was presented. The relationship (if you can call it that) between Patch and Nora was totally unbelievable. It was completely based on lust and little else. From previous reviews I was really expecting a villain with Patch, and aside from Nora constantly telling us he is bad, I didn’t really get that from him. I got more of the lusty-teenager vibe. Based on the very few interactions we actually have with them, there wasn’t enough “real” connection for Patch to make the choices that he did; at least I didn’t see it. Nora was just okay for me; I kind of got tired of the rollercoaster emotions. One minute she says she will stay away from Patch, and the very next second she is purposefully looking for him. If they had built up a friendship which eventually led to true romantic feelings, than the whole story and Nora’s and Patch's actions would have been more believable. As for Nora’s sidekick Vee, not really a fan. She gave horrible advice, which was all over the place and I wish there would have been a little more consistency. None of the characters reactions seemed that authentic, but its fantasy-fiction so I guess it’s not supposed to be realistic. Overall, the book was a little bit of a let-down, but I still think I’ll read the sequel (even though I think this could really stand on its own).

Bookworm Rating: 3

Reading Order:
Book One: Hush, Hush
Book Two: Crescendo
Book Three:

Do you prefer the “good-guy” or the “bad-boy”?


  1. I was unimpressed with Patch's decision. Their whole thing seemed weird to me. I liked it but didn't love it. The whole ending made little sense.
    As for your question, I think you marry the good guy and the bad guy, well, there's something else you do with him. ;)

  2. This book doesn't interest me at all. The whole fallen angel trend is annoying to me. Sorry it was a let down for you.
    Good-guy or bad-guy, hmm - I prefer smart-guy. I'm drawn to intelligence - just ask my super genius hubbie. I do, however prefer a smart good guy who could possibly be on the edge of being an evil genius.

  3. Well, you already know how I feel about both of these topics. But I'll go ahead and say it again. :) I generally love bad boys. With a few notable exceptions, I'll take them over the good guy every time. But Patch was a glaring exception. He rubbed me entirely wrong and had none of the rakish charm I like about the bad boys. And wouldn't you know there wasn't a good guy around when you need one.

  4. Well though I really liked the book,I have to agree with all you said. And I admit to not having noticed a few of the 'issues' before.

  5. Kath once again you and I are on the same page about a book. When I read this I truly was somewhere in the middle. I just couldn't love it and I didn't hate it. I think for me it was just the whole story. I agree with the whole lust factor too. That's really all their relationship was. However, I too will read the sequel. But I won't be waiting around dying to read it! Hugs...

  6. It was shortly after Hush, Hush that I swore off teen romance novels for awhile. See my review of Lament on goodreads and it pretty much says it all. I feel like I'm reading the same stupid story over and over.


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