
Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

Genre: Faerie/Fantasy

Publication Date: February 1, 2010

One Word Review: Awesome

Author Website:

First Line: “Ten years ago, on my sixth birthday, my father disappeared.”

Synopsis: Meghan Chase has never fit in at her small-town high school, and now, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she discovers why. When her half brother is kidnapped, Meghan is drawn into a fantastical world she never imagined--the world of Faery, where anything you see may try to eat you, and Meghan is the daughter of the summer faery king. Now she will journey into the depths of Faery to face an unknown enemy . . . and beg the help of a winter prince who might as soon kill her as let her touch his icy heart. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series. --GoodReads

Kathy’s Review: Loved it from the first sentence to the last. I was actually sad when it ended. So many series lately always end with huge cliffhangers, and I’m so glad that this one did not. It does leave it where you’re wanting more, and there is plenty of story left for Meghan, but it also wraps everything up nicely providing a little closure up to this point. I thought Meghan’s character was perfect, very realistic. I liked that she was strong, clever and still easy to relate to. The supporting cast was also enjoyable, I loved Puck, Grimalkin and of course Ash. I also loved the Fey world that Kagawa created, she is able to stick to a lot of the traditional fairy elements while introducing some very new ideas. It's also a good reminder that the Fey are not the nicest creatures as Kagawa shows some of the darker sides of faeries, but also the good as well. It’s probably one of the better stories I’ve read lately. Kagawa is a great writer and I can’t wait to read The Iron Daughter in August!

My only complaint was that there is a little swearing here and there. The story was so good though that it was easy to overlook.

Bookworm Rating: 4.8
(because of language)
Reading Order:
Book One: The Iron King
Book Two: The Iron Daughter (August 2010)
Book Three: The Iron Queen (2011)


  1. Yes! I just broke down and bought this one yesterday. Can't wait to get to it.

  2. I'm really anxious to get my hands on a copy of this! My library doesn't have it, but after your review, I may just have to buy it...

  3. Angie-I can't wait to read your review, I really think you'll like it!

    Chantele-buy it, you won't regret it! =)

  4. I am so PLEASED to see you liked it so much! I really thought you might. I just LOVED that this was a "Fey" book but with a different spin. I just thought it was so creative. I too cannot wait until the next one comes out. Hugs,


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