
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

Genre: Regency Romance

Publication Date: 1814

Synopsis: Mansfield Park is a study of three families-the Bertrams, the Crawfords, and the Prices-with the isolated figure of the heroine, Fanny Price, at its center. Fanny's quiet passivity, her steadfast loyalty and love for the son of the family who regard her as the poor relation, and who have taken her under their roof, are not appreciated until they are tried against the brilliant and witty Mary and Henry Crawford, the unfortunate consequences of whose influence are felt by everyone. -GoodReads

Jessica’s Review: I was shocked to learn that Fanny Price was Jane Austen's own favorite heroine. At first I could detect nothing that could make her mine. However, as the book progressed I must confess that I fell in love with Fanny. For all her timidity she had an inner strength and she refused to compromise her morals. It reminded me that although someone may be shy or quiet it in no means makes them stupid or weak.

Austen took me on a journey that had me questioning myself of whether I would compromise and marry Mr. Crawford if my alternative would be living with my family in squalor. Of course, Fanny did not and she reaped the reward of being valued by the people that she valued the most.

My one disappointment was that I thought Fanny deserved a better romance and a better hero than Edmund. His was all brotherly feelings until one paragraph summed up that he fell in love for Fanny. I wish that I could have been a witness as he came to realize his feelings for her and act upon them. With that said I do not think that was the point that Austen was going for. It really was an exercise of selfishness contrasted with virtue. A great read that drew me in like only Austen can.

On a side note: I don’t know if it was just my version or if Austen intended to write so many words in italics. It really grated on me. I thought if I had to read one more “she” in italics I was going to barf.

Bookworm Rating: 4


  1. I started this one a few years ago and got about 200 pages in and stopped for some reason. I'll have to give it another try.

  2. I feel the same way about Fanny. I like Mansfield Park a lot though it isn't my favorite Austen book. I did not like the movie that was made a few years ago though.


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