
Friday, March 26, 2010

Waiting to Score by J.E. McLeod

Genre: Teen Lit

Publication Date: February 2009

One Word Review: Pass

Author Website:

First Line: “I didn’t want to look up.”

Synopsis: Quirky, smart, and good looking, Zack Chase is a book-loving, talented hockey player. New in town, Zack’s pitted against obnoxious Mac, the hockey team captain with something against Jane, the alluring Goth-girl who’s caught Zack’s eye. As he copes with sore losers, other people’s drinking problems, and the consequences of making out with too many girls, Zack discovers other ways he wants to score in lofe, especially as a 15-year-old guy with spiking hormones. Soon Zack finds out the hard way that people have secrets and burdens all their own, and that some actions have tragic, far-reaching consequences.

Kathy’s Review (Spoiler Warning): I really don't like writing negative reveiws, and you may read this and love it. This is the kind of YA book that I don’t like and I ended up skimming the last half just to get it over with. I could tell from the first chapter, maybe even the first page that I wasn’t really going to like this one. I prefer uplifting books, even when there are tough topics, I like books that make you feel better while teaching a lesson. For me, this was just a downer. In one review I read they said that the author tried to take on too many issues, and I have to agree considering the plot consisted of all your typical teen stereotypes: underage drinking, bullies, date rape, hook-ups, parties, suicide, mean parents, and absent parents…just to name a few. I also didn’t really care for Zack and by the third chapter I was tired of hearing how different he was from all the other guys. I personally thought he was a little arrogant, and while he did do some good things most of the time I did not like the perspective of a horny teenage boy. I also didn’t feel any real chemistry between Zack and Jane; I know I skimmed the second half so maybe I missed something later on. I don't think Zack was feeling the chemistry either since he cheats on her with his best friend Sheila, just another issue I guess the author wanted to tackle. In a nutshell, I wouldn’t recommend this one.

It does contain a lot of underage drinking and a lot of sexual content.

Bookworm Rating: 1

What was the last "underwhelming" book you read?


  1. Yeah, I wasn't impressed with the description and by your review, I doubted that I'd like it. Thanks for the review. Negative ones are hard to write.

  2. It's really unfortunate when a book with a witty book-loving hockey player fails to live up to your expectations..

  3. Wow, I've never seen a cover quite like this one. I don't think I'll be reading this one.

  4. I have to say I know the negative reviews are hard to write, but I am grateful so I don't spend time reading the book. Great review! Hugs,

  5. Thanks for the review. I'm glad I won't be wasting my time reading this one. I'm sorry you had to read it though!:) Hopefully you will read a good one next!


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