
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Heartless by Jaimey Grant

Genre: Regency Romance

Publication Date: July 2009

One Word Review: Intense

Author Website:

GoodReads Synopsis
: Finding herself abandoned after the death of her father, Leandra Harcourt takes a chance on a dark stranger at a small inn. Married, she learns about her husband during his extended absences, discovering more truth and mystery than she ever could have dreamed. The Duke of Derringer is feared and reviled wherever he goes; he is a man not to be crossed. Finding himself suddenly in need of a wife only interferes with the plans he has already set in motion. Vowing to marry the first woman he meets, he stumbles upon Leandra Harcourt, desperate and alone. With only sporadic visits home, Derringer finds his wife intriguing, baffling, and oddly desirable. In her prosaic attitude and calm demeanor, he discovers a peacefulness that he's never known in his life and knows he will never find again. While facing a nameless assassin, his search for his missing cousin intensifies. Little does he realize that in reaching his goal, his enemies may reach theirs, endangering his new bride as well.

Kathy’s Review: I admit to being sucked into the story right from the start. I really liked Leander’s character; she is the type of person that everyone just falls in love with because of her niceness, honesty and charm (aside from her crazy family of course). She sees the good in her husband Hartley right from the beginning and because of that she doesn’t let him get away with much. He isn’t used to people treating him in such a way, and falls for her pretty quickly. I actually liked Hartley, even though he was pretty rough it was understandable knowing his childhood. Deep down, he had a good heart and was actually pretty kind to people who deserved it. I liked the relationship between Leander and Hart, they fought and made-up and learned to communicate with each other in a pretty short time. The mystery element added some suspense to the novel, and while it kind of took a different turn (it was a little dark, not your typical light regency read) it was still enjoyable.

There were just a couple things that kept me from really loving the book. First, I did like that Hart ended his relationship with his mistress once he was married, but at one point made it seem like he would still have mistresses, but wouldn’t let Leander know about them (as if that is some consolation). I just have a pet-peeve about people who cheat, I don’t like it. I admit, it seems like they really are in love and so I don’t think he would actually cheat and just wish he would have said something along those lines. Second, the mystery part was good and even the “surprise” was interesting, but I was sad with the way the author took the story. That particular story line could have been a little happier (I’m all for happy endings). And lastly, the ending was a little abrupt and left me a little disappointed. Everything just wrapped up too quickly, and while I’m glad with how some things ended up (and not others), I decided to give it a little lower rating.

Overall, the book is fairly clean. There is some swearing and Leander and Hart are married so there are “relations”, but nothing too descriptive.

Bookworm Rating: 3.5
The Stranger She Married by Donna Hatch

1 comment:

  1. I love characters who you can't help but like or hate for that matter. It makes the connection to the story that much more real. Although this doesn't sound like my kind of story, I did enjoy your review. Thanks


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