
Sunday, July 11, 2010

She's So Dead To Us by Kieran Scott

Genre: Teen Lit

Publication Date: May 2010

Author Website:

GoodReads Synopsis: Perfect, picturesque Orchard Hill. It was the last thing Ally Ryan saw in the rear-view mirror as her mother drove them out of town and away from the shame of the scandal her father caused when his hedge fund went south and practically bankrupted all their friends -- friends that liked having trust funds and new cars, and that didn't like constant reminders that they had been swindled. So it was adios, Orchard Hill. Thanks for nothing. Now, two years later, Ally's mother has landed a job back at the site of their downfall. So instead of Ally's new low-key, happy life, it'll be back into the snake pit with the likes of Shannen Moore and Hammond Ross. But then there's Jake Graydon. Handsome, wealthy, bored Jake Graydon. He moved to town after Ally left and knows nothing of her scandal, but does know that he likes her. And she likes him. So off into the sunset they can go, right? Too bad Jake's friends have a problem with his new crush since it would make Ally happy. And if anyone deserves to be unhappy, it's Ally Ryan. Ally was hoping to have left all the drama in the past, but some things just can't be forgotten. Isn't there more to life than money?

Kathy’s Review: Overall, I enjoyed the story, but would have liked it more without all the swearing and underage drinking. I knew going into it that it was the first in a series, but kind of think I would have preferred a standalone book. It leaves off with a few cliffhangers and I’m sure I’ll be picking up the next book as soon as it comes out. Ally is a likable character, she has been reduced in social status, but I think she would have been cool even when she was “popular”. The tension between her and Jake was great and I enjoyed their interactions. I felt sorry for a few of the guys along the way, but ultimately I think I’m on Team Jake. Jake wasn’t the perfect leading man, he is kind of the spoiled rich kid, but as the story progresses I think he really grows. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next book. It’s a fun Teen Lit book (minus the swearing).

Content Warning: Lots of swearing (including the “F” word) and underage drinking.

Bookworm Rating: 3

Reading Order:
Book One: She’s So Dead To Us
Book Two:


  1. I wouldn't have guessed a lot of swearing based on the cover. I guess that's why judging a book by the cover doesn't work. Still it sounds like a fun book.

  2. does anybody know when the sequel is coming out???? i really want to know i super excited for the second one!!!!

  3. I didn't mind the underage drinking and swearing because it definitely contributed to the realistic aspect of the book. It was easy to relate to and I don't think it would have been the same if it was sugar coated.

  4. When is the sequel coming out??
    And what is the sequel's title? I really love this book and I want to read more and more and more!
    I didn't mind all the 'bad words' and drinking. Actually the 'bad words' made the book more.....describable. And the parts where they got drunk are really funny!

    And in the end, the book made me really cry, and wanting to read more!

  5. the sequel is called "he's so dead to us"

  6. this is an amazing book and i would definately recomend it. In this book i was both happy and heart broken! I am really hoping there will be a second book. I think the underaged drinking and swearing added reality to the book as nobody is perfect and these things happen. Also the cliff hanger at the end left me gobsmacked as her life was so very 'tangled'. Good luck in your life Ally Ryan!


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