
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All Quiet on the Reading Front

You may have noticed a slight decrease in my posting lately. About six months ago we adopted an adorable little boy. A few days after getting Josh we found out I was pregnant with twins!! We're so excited and can't wait to meet the two newest members of our family. Taking care of a newborn while being pregnant with twins has been an interesting experience. Both seem to take up a lot of my time and has really cut into my reading. Another distraction is the fact that my husband has moved over to Japan (I'll be joining him after the twins come), and I've moved in with my parents. I have about 4-5 weeks until the twins get here and there are a few books I'd like to read while I still have the chance. I still plan on keeping up Bookworm Nation after the twins come, but I imagine my time will be limited and my postings may be a little sporadic for a while. Luckily my sweet husband bought me a Kindle for Christmas so hopefully I'll be able to stay up to date with my reading and blogging.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  1. Holy crap, Kath! That is stupendous news. I'm so happy for you guys. And sending all the coping and capable thoughts I can your way. :)

  2. Wow! Congratulations on your quickly expanding family!! Good luck in the next few weeks, including the move to Japan. You're one busy lady!
    I'm hoping that my hints (ok, I pretty much asked for it outright) that I'd like a Kindle were taken seriously by my husband. It's at the top of my Christmas list. :)

  3. Sounds like my reading life right now. Besides being pregnant with twins... :) Good luck with your delivery! Have a Merry Christmas!! :D

  4. I really hope BookWormNation never ends! You have great reviews and I love most of your books:). Keep smiling Kath...


  5. Wow! That's wonderful!!! I'll keep you in my prayers =] I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Hey what about that slacker that used to review books with you...Why can't she help? I'm so excited for you guys! My goal for the new year is to start posting to BWN again.

  7. oh my word!!! that's way way too much going on. I thought I had it rough when my husband deployed while I was pregnant with only one!!! congrats and good luck!


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