
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies

Here is an update for those who follow my blog. The end of January my precious twins were born. It was a very difficult delivery, but the end result was worth it. We are so happy to have them here! Our family has grown rather fast! It has gone from zero kids to three in less then 9 months! They are definitely keeping me busy, but I'm still squeezing in time to read (reading is probably helping me keep my sanity). Below are just a couple pictures of our sweeties.

Ashley & Austin (1 week old)
Austin, Josh, and Ashley (Twins are a week old, Josh is 7 months)


  1. So cute Kath. Isn't it funny how the 7 month old looks like a giant now. He's so cute. You must be exhausted taking care of these three babies. Reading and writing is how I've kept my sanity. Good luck. Wish you and you're quickly increasing family the best.

  2. Aw, precious babies! Congrats.


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