
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fateful by Cheri Schmidt

GoodReads Synopsis: A huge fan of Jane Austen, Danielle hopes to find her own Mr. Darcy when she leaves Colorado to attend art school in London. Of course she knows it's silly to wish for that, naive even. But she's met enough males who lacked respect for women, a growing trend it seemed. And at nineteen...well.... However, on only her second night there she gets lost and is threatened by a stalker who proves to be immune to her martial arts training. Before she is completely overpowered, she is then saved by Ethan Deveroux. While Danielle does find the romance she seeks in Ethan, he's no Mr. Darcy. Her hero is held by a spell which fractures their chance at a happy ending. During the day Ethan is closer to mortal than immortal and can date her like any other man. Yet, as the sun sets, the powerful magic of an ancient curse returns and the evil of that spell is revealed. When that magic begins, Danielle's fairytale romance ends because Ethan Deveroux is a vampire.

Kathy’s Review: Yes, it sounds similar to Twilight, but it’s actually got an original take on vampires. The only similarity is that Ethan is a vampire and Danielle is not. I liked Schmidt’s take on vampires, I thought it was more believable and I liked that there was some hope that they could maybe change. It made it more believable that there would be good vampires, etc. I also really liked that both Ethan and Danielle not only had high standards, but they also believed marriage was a positive thing (something Bella could learn from).

There were only a couple things I didn’t like. Ethan chuckled a little too much. Ethan tended to carry Danielle an awful lot, she says she can walk, so let her walk. =) Lastly, I didn’t see why Lucas would be after Danielle right off the bat like that. I know Ethan interrupted his attack, but I wanted a little more motivation for Lucas and Celeste to be after Danielle.

Thanks Cheri for sending me a copy to review, I enjoyed the story and thought it was a fun escape. I look forward to seeing what happens with Danielle and Ethan after how things wrapped up in Fateful.

Bookworm Rating: 4

Genre: YA Fantasy
Publication Date: April 2011
One Word Review: Entertaining
Author Website:

Reading Order:
Book One: Fateful
Book Two: Fractured

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