
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Mercenary's Marriage by Rachel Rossano

GoodReads Synopsis: Trained as a mercenary soldier, Darius Laris was a man of decisive action. He was also a man of compassion. Seeing a young slave woman about to become the spoils of war, he claimed her for his own. Marrying her before God and king, he made her a free and respectable soldier's wife. Brice Ashlyn was born a slave. Abused and beaten, she learned quickly to avoid being noticed and to stay away from men. When her master's walls fell to enemy forces, she ran, but not fast enough. In Darius' offer she found deliverance, but experience had taught her to fear power such as his. Could she trust in his protection, or had she traded one form of slavery for another?

Kathy’s Review: This was an okay read. I enjoyed the story and it kept me reading and wanting to know what was going to happen next. It lost a little of its steam towards the end and things wrapped up a little too quickly. Brice’s attitude towards Darius changed rather quickly, I think the book needed to be 200 pages longer to really develop the story and characters. Brice and Darius had barely spoken to each other and we’re to believe they fell in love? Like maybe, but certainly not love. I just didn’t feel a lot of chemistry between the two to justify her sudden change in attitude towards the end. There were also a lot of loose ends that needed tying up. But, it is only 100 pages and is a fun read if you’re looking for a quick escape.

Bookworm Rating: 3

Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction
Publication Date: May 2006
One Word Review: Good

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