
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Gabbing With Guymon: Week Four

This is our final week for Gabbing With Guymon. I have really enjoyed our weekly Q&A's and getting to know Shannon better. I loved hearing the story of how she came up with her pen-name, Katie Lee O'Guinn. Getting to know Shannon through these interviews has made me appreciate at her books all the more.

What superpower do you wish you had? Can I say all? Okay, I’ve always thought Professor X from the X-Men was cool. The ability to not only read minds, but control them. My kids’ rooms would always be clean.

Best date you ever had? Worst date? Ugh. Dating. The best date I ever had was in college. I went dancing with a guy named Kevin and it was probably the most fun I’ve ever had on a date. The worst? It was New Year’s Eve and I froze to death standing outside up in Salt Lake. Thought I was going to die waiting for it turn midnight.

Where would you rather go on vacation, Hawaii or Alaska and why?
Hawaii. Hands down. It’s hot, I could learn how to surf and eat roasted pork and watch beautiful Polynesian men dance with fire. They don’t do that in Alaska sadly.

With such a large family, where do you find time to write?
I write when my kids are in school or late at night. During the summer I wake up early and get a few hours in before they wake up. Being a mother is my number one priority for sure.

If you could have your choice of actor to play Harry from Werewolf Dreams, who would you choose?
I’m thinking Bradly Cooper.

How did I pick Katie Lee O'Guinn as my pen name?
I picked Katie Lee O'Guinn as my pen name because I was doing a lot of family history at the time and I found out about this amazing woman. She's my Great Grandmother and she had a very interesting but sadly short life. She was the daughter of a Cherokee woman and an Irish immigrant. She fell in love with a son from a well off family and they got married and had a family. She came down with Tuberculosis and died at a very young age leaving her children motherless and her husband a widower. A couple years later, her husband died of exhaustion and poor health. Many people assumed it was from a broken heart, which left my grandmother an orphan. My heart has always gone out to her and so I wanted to pay tribute to a woman who never had the chance to see her children grow up.

What is your favorite snack while writing?
My favorite snack while writing is: Kombucha ( a probiotic drink) and pistachios. I know, not cool, and not chocolate but I'm trying to be healthy!

What is my favorite thing to do with my family?
I love going to Bear Lake with my family. No TV, no computers, just sand and water and sun.

How do I get inspiration for my stories?
I get inspiration from everything around me. I have so many interesting people in my life and the world we live in is fascinating so there's never a problem coming up with inspiration.

What has been my favorite book to write?
Before this last month, I would have said, Do Over or Werewolf Dreams, but Pule's story has taken things to a new level and I have to say it was quite the experience.

Thanks again Shannon for taking the time to answer our questions!!

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