
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Royal Decoy by Heather Frost

Royal Decoy by Heather Frost
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This was not quite what I expected, but ended up being really good!

The story follows Clare, a kitchen maid who becomes the royal decoy for the princess. Clare is a fun character to follow, very likable and her motivations (protecting her brothers) rang true, over time she begins to enjoy her role. Even though her life is put in danger time and again. There is a a fun cast of characters surrounding her, particularly her handsome bodyguard. I look forward to following her story in future books.

Meanwhile, a parallel story is taking place, following Prince Grayson. He lives in a neighboring kingdom. His story is quite a bit darker, when we switch to his POV the story does become heavier. His parents are simply put, wicked. His brothers equally evil. Grayson has become feared throughout his kingdom, having to carry out any deed his father commands, and although he hates his role, he does it to protect the one person he loves. I actually really enjoyed when we'd jump back into Graysons world and seeing what was going on with him. I'm really looking forward to seeing where his story will lead.

I thought the worldbuilding was well done, despite following two different storylines, they take place in the same world and it helps to build an overall feel for the world. Normally, I am not the biggest fan of so many different POV in a book, but I thought it was handled well here. I am very much looking forward to these characters, Clare and her crew, meeting Grayson and seeing how that all plays out.

I also learned that this is the start of a six-part series. I normally shy away from long series, and typically don't start a series until the whole thing is complete. But, something about this one called to me and I am glad that I jumped in. I really enjoyed Royal Decoy and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series. Crossing my fingers the rest of the series will be as captivating as this first book!

Romance: Clean, slow-burn type romance(s), just kissing
Language: None, made-up curses
Violence: Moderate - quite a bit of fighting and death. Graysons side of the story was a bit more violent

Fate of Eyrinthia Series
Royal Decoy (Fate of Eyrinthia, #1) by Heather Frost

View all my reviews

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