
Monday, September 7, 2020

The Cottage by Coniston by Deborah M Hathaway

The Cottage by Coniston by Deborah M. Hathaway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this one, delightful!

I thought this was a fun story with an endearing plot. Miss Amy Paxton had a hard time keeping her opinions to herself, her blunt manner tends to scare off potential suitors. She resorts to asking her brother to make all her decisions for her in an attempt to finally find a husband! I liked Amy, even if she can be a bit harsh at times. I liked that our hero wasn't intimidated by her and could dish it out and keep her on her toes. I thought they had good chemistry.

The story was well-written and kept me glued to the pages. I enjoyed the side characters and the charming setting. I love that Ms. Hathaway always introduces us to new and beautiful parts of England. Ms. Hathaway is such a gifted writer, you can tell she really puts a lot of effort into her books. I love that she stays true to the time period she is writing in, which helps me as a reader get immersed into the setting and characters.

Overall, a very charming regency and one I would easily recommend to any fan of the genre.

Seasons of Change Series
The Road Through Rushbury (Seasons of Change, #1) by Martha Keyes A Forgiving Heart (Seasons of Change #2) by Kasey Stockton The Last Eligible Bachelor (Seasons of Change Book, #3) by Ashtyn Newbold A Well-Trained Lady (Seasons of Change, #4) by Jess Heileman The Cottage by Coniston (Seasons of Change, #5) by Deborah M. Hathaway A Haunting at Havenwood (Seasons of Change, #6) by Sally Britton His Disinclined Bride (Seasons of Change, #7) by Jennie Goutet

View all my reviews

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