
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bookish Meme's

The other day I mentioned how I wanted to get back into doing my daily book meme's. I used to have a lot of fun participating, but had to cut them out when I just got too busy taking care of little babies. Now that my kids are a little older and able to entertain themselves for five minutes at a time, I thought I'd try and get back into it. I've been able to find most of the ones I used to do, but thought I'd look around and see what all's changed since I last participated. Anyway, I came across this great website that already has them all layed out called Bookshelf Fantasies under Meme Directory. They have a list of book meme's broken down by day. There were quite a few that caught my eye! So, when time allows these are the ones I want to participate in. Come join me!

What Are you Reading? hosted by Book Journey

Library Loot hosted by A Striped Armchair

Teaser Tuesday hosted by A Daily Rhythm

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Broke and the Bookish

Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking the Spine

Writer Wednesday hosted by the Book Elves

Booking Thru Thursday hosted by Book Thru Thursday

Flashback Friday hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies

Fictitious Friday hosted by Mortal Moments

Retro Friday hosted by Angieville

Friday Favorites hosted by Wishful Endings

Shelf Candy Saturday hosted by A Night's Dream of Books

Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Super Six Sunday hosted by Bewitched Bookworms

Cover Characteristic hosted by Sugar and Snark

Best of the Bunch hosted by A Cocoon of Books

Recommended Reads hosted by Ellie Reads Fiction

Which meme's do you like to participate in?

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