
Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, that spotlights a favorite author, book, series, publisher, cover, blog, etc. Basically whatever bookish thing that I love, recommend, and want to tell others about. Anyone is welcome to join along. Just pick one and jump over to Wishful Endings to leave a link to share with everyone.

This is my first time participating in Wishful Endings Favorite Fridays. I was debating on what to do for my first post. One of my favorite genres is Regency, but there are so many books I love it's hard to narrow down. So then I thought, why not share my five favorite Regency authors. Which is also hard to narrow down, but a little easier. Anyway, here are just a few of my favorite authors. I actually have quite a few go-to authors for this genre, but decided to post about the ones that are actively publishing today. Some of my favorite authors no longer write or their books are out of print. So, in random order, here you go:

Julianne Donaldson
Ms. Donaldson has only published two books so far, but both were amazing. Her first book, Edenbrooke was a huge success and continues to be a favorite book of mine. It's sweet and romantic and just a fun escape into the past. I eagerly look forward to more of her books. I read recently she is on her way over to Scotland to do some research for her next book. Can't wait!

Teresa McCarthy
I stumbled upon Ms. McCarthy's books a few years ago, I believe they were out of print at the time. I read Rejected Suitor and fell in love. I bought up all her books and devoured them all. She recently had her older books converted for Kindle and now all are available online. She also wrote a contemporary series that is loads of fun. She currently has ten published books and one on the way. If you haven't read her books before, you're missing out.

Sarah M. Eden
Um, hello. I'd be lying if I said I was a fan of Ms. Edens. I'm a Super Fan. I came across her books on Goodreads over six years ago when they were currently out of print. I tried really hard to get my hands on a copy, but wasn't able to. She finally got her books republished and I was first in line to grab one. Initially I was just curious and wanted to give her a try, after that first book I was hooked and am always stalking her website to see when her next book is coming out. Love her books.

Donna Hatch
I believe I found Ms. Hatch through Amazon. Their handy Book Recommendation popped up with The Guise of a Gentleman as something I may be interested in. The synopsis sounded intriguing and so I gave it a try. I'm so glad I did. This is one of my favorite series now, I've read it a few times as well as everything else Ms. Hatch has published. She is an excellent storyteller and her books will also suck me right in. Can't wait for more!
Jennifer Moore
Ms. Moore is a new favorite of mine. She has three books out right now and each one just gets better and better. Not only do her books have gorgeous covers, the characters are enchanting and stories fresh. She became an autobuy author for me after just one book.

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