
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

“Kira, an orphan with a twisted leg, lives in a world where the weak are cast aside. She fears for her future until she is spared y the all-powerful Council of Guardians. Kira is a gifted weaver and is given a task that no other community member can carry out. While her talent keeps her alive and brings certain privileges, Kira soon realizes that she is surrounded by mysteries and secrets. No one must know of her plans to uncover the truth about her world—and to find out what exists beyond it.”

This is a companion book to The Giver. The story once again sucks you in, and the entire time you’re wondering what is going on. Like Jonas, Kira is a great lead character. Lois is really able to write children characters well, and yet still entertain an adult audience. There were many clues along the way that the audience picks up on that Kira does not. Like The Giver the society that Kira lives in is lacking in love, with very sad effects. They are a completely brutal race. Kindness is rare, and questioned. Life isn’t valued and even “family” will turn on you if it benefits themselves. It was encouraging to see that the children in the story Matt, Thomas and Kira were able to become dear friends in such harsh circumstances.

I was again disappointed in the ending, although it was better than the first book. For me it felt like an abrupt end to the story, there should have at least been one more chapter. I was also disappointed with the character of Vandara, she was a great villain but was hardly used in the book. That was a huge lose end that should have been tied up. I’m nervous to read the last book, Messenger, in fear that the ending of the series will leave me just as dissatisfied as the first two books.

Once again this book reminded me of the movie The Village. I just noticed that I wrote about that in my review of The Giver. I’m beginning to think that M. Night Shyamalan read these books and based loosely based the movie on them.

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