
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

“One cruel night, Meggie’s father reads aloud from Inkheart, and an evil ruler named Capricorn escapes the boundaries of the book, landing in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie’s in the middle of the kind of adventure she thought only took place in fairy tales. Somehow she must master the magic that has conjured up this nightmare. Can she change the course of the story that has changed her life forever?”

This was a very fun, imaginative read. Who hasn’t wondered what it would be life if the characters we love (Edward) came to life? Unfortunately, you can’t always control what comes out of the books, such as Capricorn. A truly evil villain who was accidently brought into our world. Meggie is soon caught up in the middle of a very big adventure in search of a way to return Capricorn to his book, finding out what happened to her mother and meeting strange new friends along the way. I think any bookworm would love this story! Cornelia Funke obviously has a love of books and it shows throughout the story. I loved reading about Elinor’s library and have to admit I had a little library-envy going on. I was surprised by the revenge Capricorn took on Elinor’s library, I think he could have come up with a more useful course of action. The book had a satisfying ending, it could be a standalone book but I’m glad there are two more in the series. It will be fun to see what adventure they find themselves in next.

Book One: Inkheart
Book Two: Inkspell
Book Three: Inkdeath

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