
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Booking Through Thursday. It asks fun book related questions each week. It’s a fun way to get you thinking about your books and share you're thoughts with other book bloggers. Once you’ve completed your post return to Booking Through Thursday and leave a comment and link. This week's question is:

Do you think any current author is of the same caliber as Dickens, Austen, Bronte, or any of the classic authors? If so, who, and why do you think so? If not, why not? What books from this era might be read 100 years from now?

Hmmm, that’s a really tough question. To be honest, I think it’s impossible to really compare modern authors with the classic authors. The genre’s and writing styles have changed so much over the years that it would be unfair to really compare J.K. Rowling’s work to Charles Dickens. I do think authors like C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkein come pretty close though. They were both fantastic writers and still have that classic feel to their stories. I think the Lord of the Rings saga will definitely be around 100 years from now, as well as the Chronicles of Narnia.

I do want to give a shout out to Megan Whalen Turner. Her Queen’s Thief series is pure genius. She is a fantastic writer and each book gets better and better as the series progresses. I also love Sharon Shinn’s work, I’ve really enjoyed her books and still have a few of hers I need to read. Below is just a list of some of the amazing authors that I love:

Nancy Campbell Allen
Cinda Williams Chima
Suzanne Collins
Jessica Day George
Shannon Hale
Janette Rallison

There are many more, but those are just a few that sprang to mind when I thought of who my favorites are.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read anything by the authors you listed...have to check them out!


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