
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Top Ten TV Couples

I saw this fun meme over on Angieville's blog and thought it would be a fun one to participate in. All you have to do is compile a list of your top ten favorite TV couples and pass it on. It was hard to narrow it down and I ended up spliting it up by sitcoms and dramas. Below are my fun choices:

CHEERS: Sam and Diane

FRAISER: Niles and Daphne

SEINFELD: Jerry and Elaine
FRIENDS: Ross and RachelTHE OFFICE: Jim and Pam
DAWSONS CREEK: Pacey and Joey
FELICITY: Ben & Felicity
LOST: Jack and Kate
SMALLVILLE: Clark and Lois
CHUCK: Chuck and Sarah

Who are your favorites?
P.S. I forgot to add Stefan and Elena from Vampire Diaries!!


  1. I LOVE Luke and Lorelai in Gilmore Girls. And Rory and Jess.

  2. Sydney Bristow and Micheal Vaughn from Alias are my all time favorites!:)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate hearing from you!