
Friday, February 5, 2010

When Mike Kissed Emma by Christine Marciniak

Genre: Teen Lit

Publication Date: July 2009

One Word Review: Good
Bookworm Rating: 3.5

First Line: “I walked right into him.”

Synopsis: Emma Landon has a plan: she's going to be in the high school musical and sing the most romantic song possible to her boyfriend. She's not looking for the lead, just a decent part where she and Trevor can dance together on stage. The plan starts to unravel when she gets the starring role, and playing opposite her is not her perfect boyfriend, but the school loner, Biker Mike. When Mike kisses Emma at the school dance, everything changes. Emma must figure out what is more important-the way things look or something deeper. --GoodReads

Kathy’s Review: This was a fun romantic read to help get you in the mood for Valentine’s. It’s a cute story about Emma and Mike falling in love while working on a school play together. I was excited that they were doing a production of the Sound of Music. Whenever my brothers weren’t forcing me to watch Star Wars or Indiana Jones I would watch The Sound of Music. I LOVE it. So, I really enjoyed that aspect of the book. It has a predictable storyline, but it was still enjoyable to read. I guess the message is that we shouldn’t judge people, and I totally agree people aren’t always what they seem and you never know a persons circumstance. However, I also think you should make a conscience effort on how you present yourself. You can’t be upset if you dress like a dirt-bag and people treat you like a dirt-bag, IMO.

I liked Emma, Mike, and Caitlyn. Although Caitlyn kind of disappears from the story toward the end, and all of Emma’s friends are fickle and unlikable. Especially Lauren, she was like a rollercoaster, I never knew if she was mad at Emma or they were BFFs. It really is a cute story, very clean and definitely worth the read.

Similar Reads:
Fame, Glory and Other Things on my To Do List by Janette Rallison
The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum (with a fantasy twist)


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading WHEN MIKE KISSED EMMA, thanks for the kind words!

  2. Awww, this sounds like a nice one. And I really like the cover too. Will have to pick it up if I come across it. :)

  3. Great review! I'm glad you enjoyed it, though I'm not too sure about unlikeable secondary characters. Hm, I think this is one I'll probably read and enjoy, but not one I'll go actively out and buy; thanks! :)

  4. sounds cut - I loved Sound of Music too.

  5. Awww..sounds so sweet. As you say perfect for Valentines.


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