For thousands of years mystical creatures gathered at a magical refuge called Fablehaven, in order to prevent capture or extinction. The sanctuary is one of a few remaining around the world. The story follows 14 year-old Kendra and her 11 year-old brother Seth on an adventure of a lifetime. When their parents decide to go on a two week cruise they are sent to stay with grandparents they hardly know, at Fablehaven. Their grandfather is the caretaker at Fablehaven and is looking for a possible replacement. On first arrival their grandmother is nowhere to be found, they are given strict instructions, as well as a puzzle Kendra must solve. Seth has a hard time following rules and soon learns what happens to rule-breakers. Kendra and Seth face the greatest challenge of their young lives as they try to uncover the secrets of Fablehaven, without upsetting all the magical creatures that live there.
I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the rest of the five part series. Seth drove me a little crazy. He is one of those kids that doesn’t learn from their mistakes and constantly makes the situation worse. Course, without characters like him we wouldn’t have a story. I liked Kendra’s character, and that being obedient pays off. It was a quick read, and well written. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy-adventure.
I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the rest of the five part series. Seth drove me a little crazy. He is one of those kids that doesn’t learn from their mistakes and constantly makes the situation worse. Course, without characters like him we wouldn’t have a story. I liked Kendra’s character, and that being obedient pays off. It was a quick read, and well written. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy-adventure.
This one sounds pretty good, I think i'll try it.