“At the end of the school year, Kendra and her brother, Seth, find themselves racing back to Fablehaven, a refuge for mythical and magical creatures. Grandpa Sorenson, the caretaker, invites three specialists—a potion master, a magical relics collector, and a mystical creature trapper—to help protect the property from the Society of the Evening Star, an ancient organization determined to infiltrate the preserve and steal a hidden artifact of great power Time is running out. The Evening Star is storming the gates. If the artifact falls into the wrong hands, it could mean the downfall of other preserves and possible the world. Will Kendra learn to use her fairy gifts in time? Will Seth stay out of trouble? Can they overcome paralyzing fear?”
I first stumbled upon Fablehaven about seven months ago, and really enjoyed the story. I decided I should probably read the second book and was quickly caught up in the story once again. Rise of the Evening Star was a very enjoyable, if not a bit long, read. A lot happens in this 431 page book. It is full of fun, humor, adventure, betrayal, loss and learning. I am a big fan of Kendra and Seth, both are very unique but equally likable characters. Brandon Mull is a great storyteller and has created a great new world full of imagination. Although it isn’t really anything like the Harry Potter series, I think if you like Harry Potter you will love Fablehaven.
Book One: Fablehaven
Book Two: Rise of the Evening Star
Book Three: Grip of the Shadow Plague
Book Four: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary
Book Five: (I heard there is a 5th book, but don’t know the title yet.)
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