Friday, April 10, 2009

Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt

“Keturah follows a legendary hart deep into the forest, where she becomes hopelessly lost. Her strength diminishes until, finally, she realizes that death is near—and learns then that death is a young lord, melancholy and stern. Renowned for her storytelling, Keturah is able to charm Lord Death with a story and gain a reprieve—but he grants her only a day, and within that day she must find true love. Keturah searches desperately, Lord Death hovering over all, until she confronts him one last time in the harrowing climax.”

Can a book be both cute and creepy? Yes! I wasn’t sure where this story was going to take me, and was surprised by how everything ended up. After her first encounter with Lord Death she must find her one true love. To help her, she visits the old witch in town who gives her a charmed eye that will show her who her true love is. I’m really not sure what to make of the story, I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but haven’t decided how I feel about the ending. I guess when you have Death as a character it’s going to make things eerie. I liked all the characters, and was happy that the author let us know what happens with each one. I think it’s an interesting story and definitely worth reading.

Other recommendations:
The Storyteller’s Daughter by Cameron Dokey

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