Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday Winners, Part II

1st Place: Hardcover Autographed McClure Book
(book provided by Marcia)
Teya Peck
2nd Place: $20 Amazon Gift Card
(GC provided by Katie @ Katie's Clean Book Collection)
Kathy Jo Perry
3rd Place: $15 Amazon Gift Card
Ashlea Butts
Thanks to all those who participated, stayed tuned for next week when more winners will be chosen. A huge thanks to Marcia for providing our first place prize and to Katie for sponsoring our second place prize!


  1. YAY!!! How exciting!!! Thank you!!! Now to figure out which books to buy... ;) Hehe.

  2. Congrats to ALL of you!!! Good luck with that decision, Kathy Jo. It's not an easy one. :P

  3. I got so excited that I forgot to say congrats too! Oops! Congrats ladies! :) I am totally loving Swoon Fest! Hehe. And thanks Katie! So far I only have one book decided!! Haha.

  4. KJ- You'll have to tell me what you chose! Curiosity is my middle name. :)

  5. Ok Curiosity... here's my list... Twist of Fate by Rachael Anderson, Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin, Righting a Wrong by Rachael Anderson, Taste the Heat by Rachel Harris, The Matchbaker by Jerrica Knight-Catania, Sugar Rush by Rachel Aston and Shattered by Pamela Sparkman. I am super excited to read these... after Swoon Fest that is... ;) Hehe.

  6. Congratulations ladies!! Enjoy!


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