On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

(Four Inspirational Historical Romance Novellas)
Inspirational Historical Romance
ebook, 164 pages
November 9th 2016
If you like the inspirational historical romances of Deanne Gist and Lauraine Snelling, you’ll love USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie! With four novellas—one for each season of the year—you’ll find a heartwarming collection of couples from a simpler time in America who discover the redeeming powers of faith and love.
A Long Winter Kiss
As Samantha and Rex’s childhood friendship matured into young love, they promised their hearts to one another, even as Rex headed off to war. But their hope for a bright future was shattered when Rex succumbed to his belief that the horrors of war had made him a man no woman could love. Now he has returned, and Samantha must help Rex see that he still has much to give—and much more to gain—by replacing fear with faith and opening himself to love.
An Unlikely Spring Courtship
Tempest worked hard to secure her independence as a woman running her own mercantile, so when Bram has the audacity to open a competing shop in a town with only enough room for one, Tempest is driven to despair. And then to retaliation. But when tragedy strikes their community and threatens everything they both hold dear, will they be able to recognize that what they share is far more important than what separates them?
A Summer for Love
Loralee’s life has changed dramatically in the eight years since she’s last seen the resort town of Bayocean, but one thing that has never changed is her feelings for Wyatt, a man she promised to meet at the resort on a specific day if they were both still unattached. When Wyatt appears on that date, as hopeful and uncertain as Loralee, the two must see if an old and abiding love has outlasted the changes wrought by time—and begin to build a new life together.
Romance in Autumn
Phoebe and James grew up together but apart in the same beautiful mansion, he as the son of the owners, she as the daughter of a servant. In the years since, Phoebe’s fortunes have changed dramatically, and she carries the dream of one day owning the mansion that is still close to her heart. Until James—now a deeply compelling man—delivers the bad news that securing the purchase will be all but impossible. As Phoebe reluctantly relinquishes her dream, she will also look deep into her soul to learn that a true home might exist in her budding love for James.
Excerpt from A Summer for Love:
After gathering up the bundle of towels and clean linens to deliver to the next room, Loralee slipped out the door—only to crash into a firm chest clad in a damp bathing shirt. A hand clasped her elbow to keep her from joining the towels and sheets that had spilled onto the carpet. “Sorry about that. Didn’t know anyone was in the room. Are you all right?” Loralee didn’t look at his face as she nodded and dropped to her knees to pick up the mess. If she moved quickly, perhaps she wouldn’t have to take everything back down to the hotel laundry to be cleaned again and risk getting in trouble. “Here you go.” He knelt beside her and passed her a folded sheet. “Thankfully it doesn’t look spoiled from my mishap.” As she accepted the sheet, she couldn’t resist glancing at him. He’d clearly come from the beach or the pool inside the natatorium, his towel draped casually around his neck. He was handsome and at least a few years older than her. And not only was he helping, he’d taken responsibility for the collision. “Th-thank you,” she managed to stammer out. His light brown hair stuck up in tufts here and there, though not unattractively so, and appeared to still be wet at the ends from swimming. His skin was tanned a golden brown and his eyes were the color of coffee. But it was his smile, when he trained it on her, that robbed her of breath, more than colliding with him had. “You’re welcome.”
Tour Schedule
November 27th: Launch
November 28th:
November 29th:
November 30th:
December 1st:
December 2nd:
December 4th: Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway
$40 Amazon eGift Card and Winner's Choice of an ebook of Any of Stacy Henrie's Books (you can see her books listed on Amazon here)
Thank you for participating in the tour, Kathy!