Sunday, August 28, 2011

Movie Review: Jane Eyre

I just got done watching the new Jane Eyre movie. I loved it. I didn’t have the highest expectations going into it. I’ve seen a couple other adaptations and wasn’t that impressed. I knew from the beginning that I would like this one though. The filming was better as well as the casting. I thought Mr. Rochester was perfect, I really liked him. I also liked Jane, although she still comes across a little more dreary than I imagine her in my mind. I thought Mr. Rochester and Jane had great chemistry together. The movie reminded me a little of North and South, which I also loved. Overall, very enjoyable and one I will soon be adding to my permanent collection.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kath, I have to respectfully disagree! I did not like this movie at all. I thought the acting was terrible and what they decided to use from the book was lacking. I'm really glad however, that you liked it!! I guess sometimes you and I do disagree:).


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